
Traditions Are Everything | Thanksgiving 2022


Traditions Are Everything | Thanksgiving 2022 | JamiePate.com

pumpkin scones

Isn't it amazing the things that become traditions in our lives. In our stories.

Take these pumpkin scones. They are a Thanksgiving morning tradition going back perhaps as far as my children's memory can take them. And my oldest is 27 years of age.

Traditions Are Everything | Thanksgiving 2022 | JamiePate.com

This is a tradition that not only happens on Thanksgiving morning, but it ONLY happens Thanksgiving morning. I do not make these any other day at all. Ever. I am sure that makes it even that much more special.

Not only that, but the scone haters in our home love these so much too. They are so dense and good. There are never leftovers. And it's such a beautiful way to sort of center us here at home, before we are gone to Grandma's house for the rest of the day.

But isn't that just what traditions are? The things that center us back to the important places in our lives. Even if it's just for a morning. These nuances may seem simple. Which they really should be. But they are impactful and powerful to our lives as a whole. Chew on that for a moment.

Traditions Are Everything | Thanksgiving 2022 | JamiePate.com

I will share the recipe with you all today as my little Thanksgiving Week thank you. Thank you for your kind words that you contiually share in response to the work I share with you. Thank you for clicking through and supporting my business by way of sales through ScrapbookCom or HeidiSwappShop. Thank you for purchasing from my Etsy shop and for buying the kits and the class available currently. Thank you for being amazing creatives. You know how we 'get' each other? The little connections that we make with each other but also makes us smile big! Yeah. You know what I am talking about. 

Thank you. And may you have a most wonderful week where ever in the world you are. I'm glad you are here and we can connect in this virtual way.

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