
Why It's So Important | National Card and Letter Writing Month

National Card and Letter Writing FREE CLASS | JamiePate.com

national card and letter writing month

 It's so interesting...

You know when you begin to think about a thing and then that thing seemingly pops up everywhere?

There is a technical brain term for that...but I shan't bore you with that.

It's been interesting how much about writing, letters, letter writing, has come to the surface in the places I visit, or even the books I read, as we are in the middle of this National Card and Letter Writing Month. But isn't that just the thing? It's to do just that. To heighten our awareness to the thought of card making and letter writing. 

National Card and Letter Writing FREE CLASS | JamiePate.com

What keeps coming to the surface includes the lost art of letter writing. And the lost art of story telling.

National Card and Letter Writing FREE CLASS | JamiePate.com

Recently I finished a book on the fictionalized story of Mary Shelley and her mother. Both writers. While it was a fictional history, the dates and things that happened to these two women were true. Mary's mother died days after Mary was born. She never knew her in person. She only knew her because of her own writings, and what others wrote about her, and eventually in the discovery of her journal. The arc of that story was powerful to me as it kept reminding me of the power of writing.

National Card and Letter Writing FREE CLASS | JamiePate.com

And the power of letter writing. That's how we know so much of what happened in history. Ours. And that of the world in general. It was written down. We just do not take the time to write to one another. We text. We post it on social media. We (and by 'we' I mean a general 'we') think because we have gone through the motions of 'telling' a thing in a social platform that that is good enough.

We could probably make the argument for a blog. That a blog would be a good record. I know this one here has been around for years and I can go back and catch up on a certain aspect of my history. But the real history is what I am writing in letters to my friends. Or what I am writing in my story albums.

National Card and Letter Writing FREE CLASS | JamiePate.com

OK. So...pull it back in, Jamie...don't scare and stress the folks out. And if I have indeed done that, please forgive me. My only hope here is to make us think, a little.  A month to ponder card making and letter writing is good for just that. It makes us think. Maybe change something up in what we are doing. Perhaps close down the Netflix and pull out a card and send someone our thoughts. 

National Card and Letter Writing FREE CLASS | JamiePate.com

Or better yet...make a card, get creative, put our hands to work, and make something extra special for someone. And then tell them your thoughts. How you hope they have a good day. A happy birthday. A joyful retirement. You know. You get the idea.

I hope you are inspired to do just that. And if I laid it on too thick earlier, forgive me. All advice is autobiographical as I too want to be better about this whole idea. The whole idea of writing it down. Of making for someone else. Of encouraging by way of card. Of being mindful of how the simple act of writing can indeed be.

Ideas for the making can be found in this FREE CLASS on my YouTube channel. A free card making class. I do hope you will join us.

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