I want to welcome you to a new blog series over at heidiswapp.com called #hsloveyourselfie. The Media Team has been asked to answer some tough questions as it relates to photos of ourselves and taking the ever so on trend selfie.

And of course what is a selfie project without making it pretty? So while I have lots to say today over at heidi's place, I will simply share the project without words here. Hoping you enjoy.
hi J! came over here cuz I couldn't find anywhere to comment on Heidi's blog post. Love this mini. The whole concept you embraced is so great. I have sons, so it's different at my house. BUT I recently taught my 83 yr old mum about selfies when she and I took a "bucket list" trip to the Merrie Monarch hula festival. I have many selfies of us scattered thru the sb I am making for her! thanks always for sharing from your heart. We feel it!!