the power of telling our story


saturday thoughts

It’s come across my attention the past few days people who have passed recently. They were relatively young. And the deaths were unexpected.

While I did not know these people, I have been impacted by what those who did know them and what they have said of these people.

And always it’s the same. It’s not what these people did. It’s not what they accomplished. It’s not how much money they made.

But rather, the fond remembrance and affectionate sentiments have always been directed at who the people were. How they treated others. How they made people feel.

And that is the bottom line. We are not known for what we do. We are instead known for who we are and how we touched other people’s lives.

What does this have to do with a blog dedicated to memory keeping? 

The firm belief in that writing our story allows us to reflect and even correct the lives we are living. To take a look at what we are doing and how we are spending our time. And to examine how we may or may not be impacting and blessing others.

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